Find out how to prepare for your first visit here.

The initial visit includes consultation and treatment. In my practice, I examine the ailment's relationship with you holistically, rather than as an isolated issue, symptom, or area.

During this visit, we will consider your health comprehensively. As a result, it may be longer than subsequent sessions. I will ask you about your general state of health, lifestyle, diet, health history, sleeping patterns, and emotional state. I will analyze the symptoms of the ailment, and possibly your tongue (shape, color, and coating), pulse, and complexion, among other things. This is also a rare opportunity for you to have an honest discussion about any aspects of your health with someone who considers it her principal objective to help you recover the equilibrium between your physical, emotional, and spiritual self.

Once I gather enough information, I will design the most effective, personalized treatment plan for you to reach your optimum health.

I will use acupuncture to stimulate specific areas on the skin that affect the function of certain organs in the body. However, the treated areas will not always be physically close to the part of the body experiencing the symptom. For example, often to treat headaches, I will insert needles in your feet and hands. I will occasionally accompany acupuncture with cupping, herbal formulas, massage, tapping, and moxa (a smoldering herb which is used to warm acupuncture points and encourage the body's energy flow.)

The length, number, and frequency of treatments will vary according to the ailment and the person. Generally, acute problems require less number of visits. Chronic and severe conditions may require several treatments.